Welcome, and thank you for seeking me out…
My name is Christian. I am a music composer and producer based in Westchester, New York. For as long as I can remember, music has reached the very core of who I am. It has always guided a path that, no matter how far I strayed, I’d always somehow find my way back.
From the early age of 5, I can remember tinkering with a vintage Yamaha Portasynth my parents had given me, which was my first introduction to composition and sound design. Although my first compositions were primitive lost media , I consider it an invaluable tool in facilitating my creativity. Always enamored with keyboards and pianos, my parents graciously got me a baby grand, which propelled me further into learning the intricacies of the instrument.
Growing up, I was exposed to a lot of Electronic/EDM and Disco through my father, learning about the importance of a catchy rhythm and great singers. Later on, through my mother and my uncles, I discovered their vast record collection of progressive rock and experimental music, which forever changed my view of what music could be. It broke down the rules set in place, and showed me that music doesn’t have to be something you put on in the background and tune out, but something that shifts and evolves, like a movie that you can immerse yourself in.